Many many thanks to all of our 2013 Photography Contest Participants and extra thanks to all the 2013 Photography Contest Winners for all the hard work they put in! Without further ado, the 2013 Photography Contest Winners.
First Place: Monique Sharde and Richmond Tweh with jet skiing theme! They brought in just shy of 8300 votes over the course of the contest by leveraging social media. She mentioned to me that facebook temporarily banned her from sending messages to people since she sent too many! Monique and Richmond will win our $3500 Wedding Photography Package for their wedding. Congrats and thanks for ALL of your hard work.
Keep scrolling to view 2nd, 3rd, and Honorable Mention. Click here to see more from this engagement session.
Second Place: Shaina Short and Max Vargas with adventurous running and skiing photos! Shaina and Max brought in 5611 votes for their adventurous photography ideas and really kicked some major but by mobilizing their network! These two awesome people win 40% off any photography service or product for wedding or portrait photography. Thanks you BOTH for all the crazy work you did as I know you both were incredibly dedicated.
Third Place: Christina Sloan and her significant other! With their idea of a colorful sendoff at the end of their wedding, Christina garnered just under 1000 votes for third place. Uber thanks to her network of friends and family who worked hard to get her every vote they could! Our third place prize is 20% off any service or product.
Honorable Mention: Beth McClaran and her fiance. Beth joined a little later than some of our other contestants but sill worked incredibly hard to get just under 800 well-earned votes for her adventurous vineyard wedding. Beth, for all of her hard work earned herself 15% off any product or service by Lumen Photography!
Everyone else who submitted, keep your eyes open for a thank you email with a small token of appreciation for all your hard work and dedication to your friends, family, and other contestants! Lumen Photography is what it is because of awesome people like you and I’m incredibly proud of all your hard work! I really hope you stick around and keep-up with Lumen Photography and all of our adventurous updates from our Minnesota Wedding Blog even though the 2013 Photography Contest Winners have been announced. If you ever need a professional photography, think of Lumen Photography!
Methodology: Offerpop used a random number generator of total number of votes with each person having specific numbers assigned to them. It then found a random number and if it correlated with first place, that person won! Second and third place were determined by me as the people who had the highest number of votes (excluding the first place winner if they had more). Contest Rules.